porting osmocom-bb to mediatek chips (62xx)
Craig Comstock - craig at unreasonablefarm dot org - 2019-04-28 Sun
1 Where I started. Why am I doing this?
- drop out of distraction technology
- know "what's inside" the device in my pocket
1.1 Previous attempts
- android - zygote + debian chroot + dfbterm + cli tools (MotoActv watch, Geeksphone Keon)
- nuttx + layer1 (c139)
1.2 Current other targets:
- postmarketos (alpine linux) + framebuffer console + ofono + cli tools (nexus 5, moto e surnia)
- gesture, morse
2 Target Devices
- sciphone dream g2 (mt6235)
- fernvale (mt6260)
- sim800 (mt626x)
- watch phones (mt6261)
- zte obsidian (mt6735) 4G/LTE
- orange pi 4g iot (mt6737) 4g/LTE
3 What I have done so far
- poked around several MTK devices with BROM protocol (626x, 6735, 6737)
- ported usb serial support from fernly to osmocom-bb (fernvale)
- linker script, after fernly code runs, osmocom-bb firmware can be loaded and run at 0x0
- USB serial code is roughly integrated into osmocom-bb
- simple blinky light and serial output just to ensure firmware is "alive"
- https://gitlab.com/unrznbl/fernly/tree/mtk-layer1
- https://gitlab.com/unrznbl/osmocom-bb/tree/mtk-layer1
- ported txburst from uboot back to osmocom-bb demo in loader_mtk firmware (sciphone dream g2)
- brought back lots of register and value information from uboot-mt623x to osmocom-bb
- txburst works on sciphone dream g2 via loader_mtk txburst <arfcn> command from host
- foundation for rx/FCCH/SCCH/etc
- https://gitlab.com/unrznbl/osmocom-bb/tree/sciphone-txburst
- static analysis of "facts" from leaked 6260/6261 source/binaries related to baseband
- made Makefile and small bundle of .c|.h files from leaked source to focus on baseband
- started using ghidra to RE elf binaries in search of details about FCCH/FB state machine
- researched and correlated facts from MT6235 data sheet with leaked source
- begun carefully analyzing and cross-checking facts in txburst code with source/binaries/datasheet
4 Leaked Sources
- 2G chips
- MTK60D-11B1308-V2 (6260)
- 11BW1308MP_PYCINDA60A_6464_11B_BB_V15 (6260)
- 11CW1352MP_CENON61D_3232_11C_V2_GPRS_MMI (6261)
- 11CW1352MP_VITA61A_BT_11C_V5_GPRS_MMI (6261)
- all include l1_dm directory with same basic layer1 2G code (not complete)
- elf binary with symbols (nice for RE)
- MTK60D-11B1308-V2/build/public/PUBLIC_BOOTLOADER_V005_MT6260_MAUI_11B_W13_08_MP_V1_ext.elf
- includes code for part of layer1 supporting:
- FPGA target (some development stage?)
- many many 62xx chips
- >=MT6229 looks to be related to MT6235/MT6140 in sciphone dream g2
- some info about RF chips
- MTK60D-11B1308-V2/custom/l1_rf
- 6129, 6139, 6140, 6251, 6260, AD6546, AD6548, SKY74137
- quarter bit timings for various parts of layer1
- BPI pin connections
- 4G/LTE chip
- MOLY.LR9.W1444.MD.LWTG.MP.V88 (6737)
- (FDD)MT6795.MOLY.LR9.W1423.MD.LWTG.MP.V24 / (TDD)MT6795.MOLY.LR9.W1423.MD.LWTG.CMCC2.MP.V5
- has some interesting >2g code
- MediaTek-HelioX10-Baseband-1/(TDD)MT6795.MOLY.LR9.W1423.MD.LWTG.CMCC2.MP.V5/interface/modem
- MediaTek-HelioX10-Baseband-1/(TDD)MT6795.MOLY.LR9.W1423.MD.LWTG.CMCC2.MP.V5/modem
- some code related to MT6169 LTE transciever
- Baseband Serial Interface (BSI)
- has immediate mode and scheduled mode
- write values to several registers (0,1,2,9,11) for things like
- https://gitlab.com/unrznbl/osmocom-bb/blob/sciphone-txburst/src/target/firmware/include/mtk/mt6140.h#L15
- MTK60D-11B1308-V2/l1_dm/l1d_ext/m12196.c
- Frequency Band
- Gain Table
- Baseband Parallel Interface (BPI)
- parallel access to enable/disable pins connected to transcieve chip
- https://gitlab.com/unrznbl/osmocom-bb/blob/sciphone-txburst/src/target/firmware/include/mtk/mt6140.h#L66
- MTK60D-11B1308-V2/custom/l1_rf/MT6140_CUSTOM/l1d_custom_rf.h
6 TX Burst Static Analysis
TODO: see osmocom wiki later in 2019
7 RX/FCCH/FB Static Analysis
TODO: see osmocom wiki later in 2019
8 What is my plan?
- get FCCH and SCCH sync working
- refactor osmocom-bb to work with both calypso and mt6235
- rssi firmware with BTS sync
- layer1 firmware
- port to fernvale/sim800
- port layer1+mobile to nuttx or linux
- make my rockphone, custom PCB/case