welcome friends! this is my condition rises again after a nearly two year hiatus. I have been working on a rock band for a few years: TUN, which is going well actually! my old friend Corey Cottrel asked if I could play a show with his Bad Wires and I said, hell yeah! I have been meaning to get timc going again as I need as much music as possible. (i practice in a recorder trio every other sunday, tough but fun!) ((benjamin britten alpine suite is rad)) --- here is the flier. if you could print one out and put it up somewhere that would be amazing! I cant make it around to many places myself. let me know and i will check it off the list. if you know of a place not on the list, i will add it. be well! -craig
x prefix means handled. wow. thank you!!! I will try to get to all the record stores so I can stock a few LPs! x- a couple of libraries Westport/Midtown: -Mills Record Company x-Broadway Cafe -Wearhouse Vintage -Records With Merritt -Sister Anne’s Records & Coffee -It’s A Beautiful Day -Sk8bar (lamppost outside) North Kansas City: -The Rino (outside/lamppost) -Screenland Armour (outside/lamppost) -FM Music -Cinder Block Brewery (outside/lamppost) -Callsign Brewing (outside/lamppost) -Pizza Tascio (ask about inside but maybe outside/lamppost) -BesaMe Dispensary (outside/lamppost) Downtown/Crossroads: -Josey Records -Revolution Records -Arizona Trading Company -Turnsol Books -Escapist Skateboarding -recordBar (lamppost, not on property) -The Truman (lamppost, not on property) -Green Lady Lounge (lamppost, not on property) Strawberry Hill: -The Easy Inn (outside/lamppost) -Slap’s BBQ (outside) -403 Club (lamppost) -St John Catholic Club (there’s a bowling alley in the basement) East Side: -UMKC campus -Rockhurst campus -Willa’s Books & Vinyl -Manor Records -Tiki Taco (lamppost) -Gael’s (lamppost) -Baba’s Pantry (outside) -Northeast Pizza West Bottoms: -Lucky Boys/Voltaire (outside/lamppost) -The Ship (outside/lamppost) -In The Lowest Ferns (outside/lamppost) -Blip Roasters (outside/lamppost) -Lemonade Park (outside/lamppost) Johnson County: -JCCC campus -Brothers Music (Johnson Drive) -Vinyl Heaven -Vintage Stock -Lamar’s Donuts -Black Dog Coffeehouse -Homer’s Coffee -Guitar Center -Oak Park Mall? -AMC Studio 28 (outside, lamppost)